Mindfulness Series Starts Sept. 10

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Ripples in peaceful waterWellness@Work is pleased to announce:
A Virtual Mindfulness series starting Tuesday, September 10
Open to all employees, dependents and pre-65 retirees!
Cost: Only $20 for the first five people who sign up!
Register NOW – contact Liska Lackey, llackey@email.unc.edu or 919-968-2796.
Why Mindfulness?
To bring awareness to what is going on in our minds and bodies at any given moment, helping us slow down and live our lives more fully.
  • Develop a foundation of the classic practices of Mindfulness: Body Scan, Seated Meditation & Loving Kindness Meditation.
  • Access coping skills for stress-related to any life circumstance, including pain and illness.
  • Experience life more fully; stepping out of “Auto Pilot” and living life from a place of reason and presence.
Instructor: Paula Huffman, from UNC’s Program on Integrative Medicine.
Dates: Tuesdays, starting September 10 through October 15
Time: 12n to 1p
How: Virtually through Zoom
RSVP by Tuesday, September 3: Liska Lackey, llackey@email.unc.edu or 919-968-2796
Cost: $20 for the 5 who sign up, then $40. The total cost for the course is $80 but the Town is covering some of the cost!
Help share the news!
Please print and post the flyer and tell your co-workers and family!