Living Healthy Starts Sept. 6
Living Healthy Classes start Friday, September 6!
Open to all employees, their families, and pre-65 retirees.
Do you, or does someone in your life, have one or more chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, or arthritis?
Are you interested in a free 6-week class to learn healthy ways to live & take control?
Living Healthy is a six week workshop for people who:
- suffer from a chronic disease
- would like to take control of their health
- are looking for a judgement free environment
- would like the chance to meet others dealing with similar issues
Over the course of 6 classes, participants will learn:
- Techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation
- Appropriate management of medications
- Skills for effectively communicating with friends, family, and health care providers
- Tips for healthy eating and exercise
- How to make informed treatment decisions
Class details:
- Begins Friday, September 6 and continues through Friday, October 12
- 12 to 2, every Friday
- 2nd Floor Conference Room, Transit
- Participants will received a book full of ideas on how to manage your health
- Led by Liska Lackey and Marni Holder
Join, Learn & Take Control!
Experience the success of Living Healthy and contact Liska Lackey to guarantee your spot (919-968-2796 or ).
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