Wellness@Work Tobacco Treatment Program Provides:
- Individual treatment plan
- Regular follow-up support
- Free medications
- $100 gift of your choosing after being tobacco free for 6 months
- $100 gift of your choosing after being tobacco free for 12 months
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How to Participate:
To enroll, login to the Portal and select “Tobacco Use Assessment” from the left side menu bar.
For more information or to enroll if you do not have internet access, contact Tobacco Treatment Specialist Charlie Sapp at Charles_Sapp@med.unc.edu and by phone at 984-974-8455.
[A Town of Chapel Hill employee] has been part of the Wellness@Work Tobacco Cessation Program at different times over the past few years. He realized that previously he had been quitting for someone else. This time, he wanted to do it for himself–for his health and recovery from surgeries. This paid off as he has now been smoke free for a year and half!! He has noticed many benefits to being a non-smoker. Program Manager Barbara Silver encouraged him to think about the reasons why he was smoking (his triggers) and they discussed ways he could “unhook” from them. He recommends the Tobacco Cessation Program because of the individual support and encouragement.