A comprehensive wellness program for employees of the Town of Chapel Hill.
Wellness@Work clinic services are available for employees and dependents enrolled in the Town’s BCBS health insurance plan and pre-65 retirees. Programs are open to all Town employees.
A Happy (Stress-Free) Holiday Season
News, WellnessWellness@Work invites you to Thrive Through the Holidays and Beyond!
News, WellnessWith FREE Wellness and Mental Health Apps! Apps can help lead us and remind us to practice self-care every day. Here are some high-quality FREE apps recommended by the University of California San Francisco: Meditation and Relaxation Healthy Minds Program: meditation and mindfulness skills: https://hminnovations.org/meditation-app UCLA Mindful: Practice mindfulness mediation anywhere, anytime: https://www.uclahealth.org/ulcamindful/ucla-mindful-app Mindfulness Coach […]
Northside Soundwalk
News, WellnessIf you missed it, you can still do the Soundwalk of Northside! Bring your cell phone, and use the link on this page to start the audio tour: https://jacksoncenter.info/soundwalk/ From the Rock Wall: Living histories of Chapel Hill and Carrboro: https://fromtherockwall.org/
Get your COVID shot at the Clinic!
Clinic, News, Wellness